How to write a game engine in pure C: Part 2 – The Graphic initialization

If you haven’t read the other posts, go now:


We have a state manager now but a game without graphic representation and user interaction has nothing to do in 2019.
In this new chapter we will initialize the ‘human’ layer: graphics and input.

We could write everything from scratch but it’s a pain in the ass (trust me) so we will use SDL to do so. SDL is an abstraction library written in C that gives a common API to system calls for different architectures and OSs.
We don’t want to couple our engine to a library too much, and we will cover that in future posts, but for now we will use SDL tightly coupled, don’t worry, it wont stay like this forever.

Continue reading “How to write a game engine in pure C: Part 2 – The Graphic initialization”

Microservices: the wrong approach to the right idea

If you have been in the business for the last 5-6 years you have been indefinitely forced to hear some buzzwords like microservices, modularization, loosely coupled, split or independence popping up in every single company, but are those concepts even in context?

Continue reading “Microservices: the wrong approach to the right idea”

How does a CPU work?

The CPU (Central processing unit) is the brain of all systems, it takes instructions as simple as electric variations and performs complex tasks by running electricity through circuits, but, how do they do it?

Not even engineers knows exactly how a CPU works, indeed, I’ve meet very few people (Developer, analyst, Architect or IT) who knows exactly how electricity is evaluated in a logical way to perform concrete calculations in order to run a digitally written program.

Can you even imagine how your computer performs a Node javascript file execution? I bet not…

Continue reading “How does a CPU work?”